Tuesday, October 27, 2009

How to Choose the Gender of Your Baby

Monday, September 28, 2009
What Makes a Guy Fall in Love? How to Hook the Man of Your Dreams
Would you like to hook the man of your dreams and learn what makes a guy fall in love? Do you think that you've tried everything to capture his heart but all of your efforts have gone unnoticed? How can you really get him to love you? Women typically want a man in their life that they can shower with affection and love. Actually, men are not that different, either, when it comes to love. Sometimes, however, men and women have different ways of going about it. If you want to learn what makes a guy fall in love then keep reading to find out some secrets that you can't afford not to learn.

A lot of women think that what makes a guy fall in love is being with a girl that they have a strong physical attraction to. While it is true that the physical attraction part is good and even necessary it should be the thing that really turns a guy's heart on. Why? Because sex can be superficial. Lust can come and go in different stages but if you want real love, and something that will last, you will need something more solid.

It is the emotional bonding and connection that you really need for the relationship to go somewhere. A friendship is a very good way to start with this aspect of your relationship. With a friendship, you can support one another, be there for each other, and share common interests. These are things that can make you strong as a couple as well as get you through the good and bad times.

Admiration is also a good thing to have. If you can get a guy to admire a quality that you have then he is well on his way to falling in love with you. Admiration is just one step below love in many cases so let him see the real side of you so that he can get to know you and your personality.

It can be a good idea to try and delay having sex until you have formed the aforementioned emotional connection and friendship. The beginning of a relationship is always exciting and you might be tempted to go ahead and have sex with your new guy, but at least wait a little while. It will give you a chance to get to know him and his intentions and possibly keep your heart from being broken by someone who is less than admirable.

It is these things that makes a guy fall in love with a woman. Remember them when you are with your new guy and hopefully you will be able to take your relationship to the next level.
Posted by Goodness at 8:15 AM 0 comments
Friday, September 18, 2009
How to Choose the Gender of Your Baby
You want to be able to choose the gender of your baby. You want to have a say on how your baby develops and what gender they will be. You have this vision in your mind of the child that you are going to give birth to and you want to make this dream come true. If you want to pick the gender of your baby, then you need to learn more about how to make that happen for you.

There are lots of ways to select the gender of your baby and most of them involve scientific procedures. Most commonly, couples will pay a lot of money for these hormone injections. However, these are not safe. There are risks involved that could do some serious damage to your little child. You know that you would never be able to live with yourself if something happened to your baby. Picking the gender of your baby is still something that interests you, but not using these approaches.

There are lots of things that can be done to choose the gender of your baby but i will just discuss 3 steps or methods to gender selection.

The first step is to time your PH levels. There are short time periods when a woman is more likely to conceive a boy or a girl.Knowing how to pick the gender of your baby has a lot to do with timing. Male and female sperm differ in many ways including their speed and sustainability. If you want to conceive a boy it's best to try and time lovemaking at the moment of ovulation. Obviously, it's virtually impossible to determine the exact moment when ovulation occurs, but with the right methods a woman can narrow down the time frame to within a day. When you expect you are just about to ovulate, you should make love to increase your chances of conceiving a son.

When it comes to having a girl, the opposite holds true. Couples who are hoping for a daughter should make love a couple of days before ovulation is expected to occur. The reason this is helpful is that female sperm do last longer than male sperm and therefore will be waiting the arrival of the unfertilized egg.

If you're unsure about when you'll be ovulating, a basal thermometer is the only tool you really need. It's a necessity when you want to pick the gender of your baby. The woman simply takes her temperature before she gets out of bed each morning. Once it starts to change, ovulation is imminent. Most thermometers like this come with a graph that the woman can use to chart her daily temperature. Using the graph is very helpful and gives you a clear picture of when you should try conceiving.

The second method is to make small adjustments to your diet. Unbelievable, but the truth is that some foods will favor one sex or the other.

Thankfully, you can choose the gender of your baby in a very safe and all-natural way. To make this happen, it really depends on the mother's diet. If you want to have a baby boy, then you need to eat a diet rich in alkaline foods. Including a lot of pumpkin and tofu in your diet will make this happen. The opposite is said for a baby girl. Eating lots of acidic foods will create the optimal environment for that little girl to grow in. You can get the gender that you want without harming anyone's health.

And thirdly choosing different specific intercourse positions and time of the day will effect what gender your baby will be because warm sperm and cold sperm does not move at thesame speed.

This method works for parents regardless of your age, race or any medications you may be taking. It works the same regardless of your children's gender that you already have. It is an all natural safe and effective way to pick the gender of your baby.

There are other specific methods that do work when it comes to choosing the gender of your baby. For more suggestions, including a method that is 100% guaranteed to help you conceive either a baby girl or a baby boy, visit this informative site.

Don't let nature decide the gender of your baby. If you have your heart set on a boy or girl, find out what you can do to ensure you get the son or daughter you desperately want. There are proven ways to pick your baby's gender that are guaranteed to work. CLICK HERE

Need more help then call Goodness 07032973204

Top 5 Reasons Why You Aren't Losing Weight

Just a week or so ago I put together a brief but informative post on the top 5 reasons you aren't getting any bigger. This post was geared toward skinny hardgainers who have hit a plateau and are unable to gain any more mass. I could not believe the positive feedback I received from my readers for the post. As a result, I decided to create the same type of post, this time geared toward people interested in losing more weight. I have come up with what I believe to be the top 5 reasons why you are not losing weight. Whether you have lost some weight and are unable to lose more or just interested in doing so, this list can be your guide to achieving your goal successfully.

Mistaking low fat foods for healthy foods

The first thing people do when trying to lose weight is decide that they will go on a diet. The average person would tell you that changing to low fat products is part of a weight loss diet. This could not be more wrong; in fact, most low fat products are actually more fattening. How can low fat be more fattening? It's actually very simple; the main problem with weight gain is not how much fat we consume, but how many simple carbohydrates and sugars we consume. These simple carbohydrates are taken in by the body and stored as fat quit fast. So what do I have against the low fat foods? Well, I appreciate the fact that it's less grams of fat, but I don't appreciate the fact that they have to compensate with more simple carbohydrates and sugars. So now you are eating less grams of fat in your diet, but you could easily be doubling your non complex carbohydrate intake.

Cheating on your diet

This is the most basic but probably the most common mistake people make when trying to lose weight. Have you ever heard someone say "ill just have to run a little extra today" after deciding to cheat on there diet? More then likely you have heard it more then a few times. Let me give you a simple but good example of how bad this is. Let us say your session is usually walking uphill on the treadmill for 45 minutes and you burn about 300 calories (just an example). You consume this "cheat food" and add 250 calories to your day and add 30 minutes to your session. You walk a total of 75 minutes and burn 550 calories total. 250 out of the 550 calories burned are automatically going towards the "cheat food" you decided to take in earlier in the day. Not only have you spent more time in the gym, but you have burned only what you normally burn being there 30 minutes less. You end up spending more time in the gym and getting the same or less results. Would you not rather skip the "cheat food" and run the extra 30 minutes to knockout 550 calories toward your goal? Not only that, but lets be honest, most people don't run that extra 30 minutes on the day they cheated. If they do run extra, it is probably a 10-15 minute difference from there normal day.

Relying too much on fat burn supplements

This is the one I have the biggest problem with. People take these fat burn pills and automatically assume that they are going to shrink there waist line with little to no effort. Here is the deal; the fat burn pills on the market require a specific diet and workout routine. Do fat burn pills work? Yes, I would say there are a few products that show great results. Problem is people assume that because they are on the supplement that they can eat worse and workout less. This is completely bogus; these pills only provide the ability to burn fat at a faster rate when your body is in the "fat burn zone". Taking these fat burn supplements can become a huge problem for people that are oblivious to these facts. These are the people who will actually gain weight or see little to no results while taking these pills.

Are these pills necessary to lose weight? Absolutely not, anyone can lose the weight they want to lose without ever taking any type of fat burn supplement.

Eating too little

What? This is impossible, how can you gain weight from eating less? I know, it almost does not make any sense. Well, it wouldn't make sense if you didn't understand how the body functions. It is a lot less complicated then you may think. Gaining weight from eating less is a very common issue. Here is how it happens, if you eat less, your metabolism is working less. As a result, your metabolism ends up slowing down dramatically, to the point where the foods you are consuming are stored as fat before your body can fully metabolize them.

You have hit a weight loss plateau

This is very important to those who have been losing weight and have suddenly stopped or reduced results instantly. This is more then likely the cause of the inevitable plateau usually due to little or no change in your routine/diet. This period is going to happen at one point of another; the cause is simply your body completely adjusting to your workout and diet routine to the point where it does not feel like any changes are necessary. With the being said, the resolution is quite self explanatory. Change your program, the most common program for weight loss is heavy cardio. Do not get me wrong, heavy cardio at the required rate for fat burn is very effective. Unfortunately, your weight loss progress will eventually slow down or stop dead in its tracks. What do I do now? Add resistance training, circuit training, or body weight cardio. All these types of routines can shock the body into making changes once again. Not only will you start burning fat again, but as you build more and more muscle from these routines, your body will start to burn fat naturally.

Start burning that unwanted fat now

There you have it people, whether you are just starting new goals to lose weight or have suddenly stopped seeing results, this can be the ultimate guide to getting on track again. Watch what you're eating, don't rely on supplements, stop under eating, stop cheating, and break your plateau. This is as easy as I can put it, remember, losing weight is only as difficult as you make it

Need help feel free to call Goodness 07032973204

When it Comes to Losing Weight, Be Sensible and Outstanding Results Will Follow

It is important to note that having a healthy mind is instrumental to having a healthy body. If you are stressed, thinking negative thoughts, or worried, your health will be affected. Before embarking on any fitness program, you must first achieve a positive mind set. No matter what physical goals you want to set, they cannot be reached without first experiencing a healthy mind.

The healthier you mind, or attitude is, the more realistic goals you will set. This means that you will be able to set goals incrementally during your fitness process. As each goal is achieved, you will then be able to set more, and raise the bar. You will encourage success by setting realistic goals.

If, for example, you want to slim down 4 sizes, a realistic time frame is necessary. Giving yourself only a few weeks to achieve this may be unwise. It may also be dangerous. People are commonly hurt when they push themselves beyond their present abilities. This is why time is such an important factor.

Smart goals will consider the fact that it takes time to reach the destination you want to get to. Your goals should include two important areas. One is exercise and the other is nutrition. Your exercise goals are going to be those involving physical activity. This activity needs to be a mixture of aerobics, weight lifting, and endurance exercises.

Aerobics will increase your heart rate, which in turn promotes weight loss. These exercises increase your flexibility and overall fitness. Weight lifting on the other hand, strengthens the muscles. This will enhance your appearance. Over time results will become more and more visible.

Doing endurance exercises like walking and running, allows you a lot of diversity in working out. These can be done outside of the house, in parks or your own neighborhood. Outdoor activities increase your lung capacity and your fitness. Fresh air can enhance your health greatly. You will build your endurance with these activities the more you do them.

One of the greatest ways to witness your progress is by recording your results. This can be done either on a daily or weekly basis, depending on your exercise program. As you see the progress you've made and the goals you've achieved, you will become inspired to continue. Recording results is a fabulous incentive to maintaining a healthy mind and a healthy body. This will produce positive habits and

For a quick and easy way to effortlessly shed those excess pounds, call 07032973204

When it Comes to Losing Weight, Be Sensible and Outstanding Results Will Follow

It is important to note that having a healthy mind is instrumental to having a healthy body. If you are stressed, thinking negative thoughts, or worried, your health will be affected. Before embarking on any fitness program, you must first achieve a positive mind set. No matter what physical goals you want to set, they cannot be reached without first experiencing a healthy mind.

The healthier you mind, or attitude is, the more realistic goals you will set. This means that you will be able to set goals incrementally during your fitness process. As each goal is achieved, you will then be able to set more, and raise the bar. You will encourage success by setting realistic goals.

If, for example, you want to slim down 4 sizes, a realistic time frame is necessary. Giving yourself only a few weeks to achieve this may be unwise. It may also be dangerous. People are commonly hurt when they push themselves beyond their present abilities. This is why time is such an important factor.

Smart goals will consider the fact that it takes time to reach the destination you want to get to. Your goals should include two important areas. One is exercise and the other is nutrition. Your exercise goals are going to be those involving physical activity. This activity needs to be a mixture of aerobics, weight lifting, and endurance exercises.

Aerobics will increase your heart rate, which in turn promotes weight loss. These exercises increase your flexibility and overall fitness. Weight lifting on the other hand, strengthens the muscles. This will enhance your appearance. Over time results will become more and more visible.

Doing endurance exercises like walking and running, allows you a lot of diversity in working out. These can be done outside of the house, in parks or your own neighborhood. Outdoor activities increase your lung capacity and your fitness. Fresh air can enhance your health greatly. You will build your endurance with these activities the more you do them.

One of the greatest ways to witness your progress is by recording your results. This can be done either on a daily or weekly basis, depending on your exercise program. As you see the progress you've made and the goals you've achieved, you will become inspired to continue. Recording results is a fabulous incentive to maintaining a healthy mind and a healthy body. This will produce positive habits and

For a quick and easy way to effortlessly shed those excess pounds, call 07032973204

6 Amazing Foods That Burn Belly Fat - Who Knew Peanut Butter Was a Fat Buster?

So you want to lose that belly fat and you want to know what the magic food is that will do it fast right. Well there is no single food or group of foods that is going to make you lose fat. There is a difference between just losing weight and losing fat, particularly belly fat. You can lose through a diet simply by reducing calories. However, after you've lost the weight you are still going to have fat flabby skin hanging off you.

Fat is burned by muscle. The more muscles you exercise the more fat that is burned. Its really that simple. So does that mean you have to become a fitness fanatic and spend hours exercising? No. But you will have to do some exercise to get the muscles burning the fat.

If you're going to exercise, wouldn't it be great if you got the best benefit in terms of burning the flab? Well you can help out those workouts by eating foods that will burn more calories and boost your metabolism.

Here's a basic rule about the body processing food. It takes more effort (calories) to process proteins than it does to process carbohydrates and fats. That's not saying you should be on a strictly protein diet because that's not healthy. But if you can get the right combination of protein, fiber and nutrients you can really help your metabolism do its thing.

So what are these foods. Well there are a ton out there but here are seven that I think will shock you.

Eggs, Egg Yolks

Who knew the egg commercials were right? Eggs, specifically egg yolks are ounce for ounce the best source of nutrients available. They pack a ton of vitamin B-12 which the body needs to metabolize fats. In a study done at the University of Louisiana, researchers found that people who ate eggs every morning as opposed to people who ate bagels, lost more weight. Eggs come with cholesterol so you want to check with your doctor before you try this.

Iced Green Tea

The real brewed stuff, not the processed bottled drinks, are super high in antioxidants and antioxidants speed up metabolism (also great for repairing damage done by high blood pressure). Tea drinkers who consume four cups a day have been proven to burn 266 more calories than those who don't drink tea.

Fresh Green Leafy Vegetables

Great source of fiber and antioxidants with very few calories. Plants like spinach, broccoli, arugula, and romaine will fill you up and give you the nutrition you need. What's really surprising though, is iceberg lettuce, the most commonly used lettuce in commercial salads, has almost no fiber at all. Don't confuse iceberg with the other great leafy plants.

Natural Peanut Butter

Who knew? Natural peanut butter, not to be confused with the Jiffs and Skippys of the world is packed with niacin which keeps the digestive track in order and prevents stomach bloat. Two tablespoons of this little treat every day will actually help you lose fat.

Parmigiano Cheese

Now this little fact comes from the University of Wisconsin so it might be a bit suspect. However, a study done there shows that Parmigiano cheese is low in calories and has the highest protein value of any other food in the dairy group. In addition it is rich in calcium which ignites fat burning hormones.


Unsalted nuts like Almonds and cashews provide a good fatty acid as well as a lot of fiber that makes us feel full longer. Here's a little tip. Take a handful of nuts 30 minutes before each meal. You'll find you are not nearly as hungry and will eat less.

So there you have it. Six foods that will help you lose belly fat and get you to that new slim look you know you have inside you.

Oh, there is another way to burn belly fat quickly and its called exercise but that's another article

Lose 20 Pounds in 20 Days!

So you need to lose a lot of weight, fast huh?

Well have no fear, your solution is here!

This is a combination of diet and exercise. Like all things, you will have to do work to gain results. If something else sounds too good to be true, it usually is. So with that being said, with a little bit of effort on your part, the final product, 20 days from now, will be so much more worth it. Let's get started.

1.) Gotta do the cardio.

Rank from level of difficulty would be: easiest to hardest: elliptical, treadmill, stairmaster no more, no less than 30 minutes. 3-5 days a week do in speed intervals. Which means 2 minutes high, 2 minutes low for 30 minutes.

**Don't forget to eat some carbohydrates before running. Carbohydrates are instant energy. A slice of wheat bread or cereal can do wonders before a cardio session. Keep in mind that if you have no energy, you will not last 30 minutes of cardio. **Use a cardio machine with a TV. One show=one workout completed.

2.)Watch your food.

Don't even think about any junk food. Salts and high sugars holds a good amount of water, so no chips, no sodas, no ice creams, no candy. For the first week, we want to drop your water weight off, approximately 10 lbs. Worth. Get as many vegetables and lean meats as possible (lean meats are fish, grilled chicken/steak) not bacon, burgers and spam

**helpful tip would be to drink a glass of water before and after a meal. This will give you a full feeling. Eat frequently, every 2-3 hours, don't over stuff yourself, know the difference between satisfied and full.

3.) Hit the weights.

High reps, low sets. Even if its just the bar that your raising, with no weight. A full body work out will burn fat much more quicker, and boost your metabolism. Don't forget to stretch before and after, but if you had to choose, stretch after. Don't do only mirror muscles, legs are important to workout as well, containing many active hormones helpful to weight loss.

**Don't forget to eat something high in protein afterward. This will repair your muscles much more quickly and reduce muscle soreness for the next day. 2-3 days a week

4.) Get plenty of sleep.

This means 6-8 hours, depending on the type of sleeper you are. Too much sleep can alter your performance during the day. And too little sleep can leave you tired and lethargic. Be aware that sleep heals the tear of muscles you make while you workout.

Expected goal: for the 1st week, you will lose water weight very quickly because of your sudden diet change. -10lbs. 2nd week, days 8-14, you will lose a consistent -5 pounds a week, depending how hard you push ad your consistency with your diet. The more garbage you allow yourself to eat, the more work you need to put in to burn it off, you decide. Last week, days 14-20, this is another -5 lb. Week, your body will be in a groove. Stay on track, keep your discipline level going, be active, every little bit counts.

-10+ -5 + -5 = -20lbs. In 20 days!

*Some tips

Almonds are a good source of good fats or fast fuel energy. Eat fruits for dessert instead of cake or chocolate. Stay away from fast food, but if can't, order from the healthy menu. Protein shakes are good but can be high in calories, so be careful. If possible, eat vegetables raw, this contains the most vitamins and nutrients. Do not let others bring you down or get in the way of your ultimate goal!

Lose Weight With Meal Replacement Options

The reality is that regardless of where you live, being overweight is an issue that many people have to deal with. From one corner of the world to the other, obesity is a major issue and sadly the number of people that have to deal with this condition keep rising every single year. Along with these elevated numbers in obesity, comes the risk of heart attack, heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure and strokes. In more severe cases, these side effects can result in death. To this end many people who find themselves in this unenviable situation have turned to Meal Replacement products to help them lose the weight they need to lose in order to regain a better quality of life and a better and healthier body.

With Meal Replacement, the first thing you will need to do if you are interested in trying this out to lose weight is to find what form of replacement best suits you. The most popular are the drinks. These thick textured drinks can either be made at home or they be purchased premade. Another issue with these drinks is the expected cravings that often can derail many people committed to weight loss. It is little wonder that people who are deprived of solid food succumb to cravings for more substantial meals so often. You must prepare yourself for the waves of cravings that you will encounter and before you make the choice to go ahead with such a diet make sure you are either posses a powerful commitment to lose weight or you are a person of particular strong will.

If the drink option is not for you, you might be interested in a balanced food item or supplement to act as your Meal Replacement. Normally packed with many vitamins and minerals combined to help you lose weight, these food items can come in the form of a bar (often times resembling a candy bar) or they can be a supplement like a powder that might need to be added to something like fruits or vegetables. As with the drink option, this plan will require you to have a far share of will power on your part in order to follow the plan.

Losing weight is one thing, but keeping it off is quite another. To that end many people have used the help of a support group not only to help them along the path of weight loss, but to allow them to keep it off as well. Meal Replacement is a time honored and effective way to loss weight. Although it is a rather drastic measure, certain situations call for such action. If you find yourself in this position, you should seriously consider this option.


How to Lose Abdominal Fat in 4 Simple Steps

If you want to know how to lose abdominal fat and a heap of excess weight in the process; these 4 simple steps will tell you exactly how to do just that in an easy to understand format that gets fast and effective results. Read on!

A healthy and wholesome diet plan is the first step in how to lose this fat, as there is absolutely no point in eating foods that are laden with only empty calories, sugar and fat with no sign of any real nutritional value anywhere to be seen. Instead choose lean meats, fruit and vegetables as well as low fat carbs, dairy and fish.
Be consistent with your efforts as there is no point eating a healthy diet one day and then binging out on the next! Likewise, stay focused on your exercise routine as regularly exercising for 30 minutes will yield far better results than a hit and miss routine of 90 minutes one day and nothing again for three days straight because you are fickle about your exercise schedule.
Cardiovascular exercise is fundamental if you want to lose that abdominal fat and turn it into muscle. The main reason that some people fail is because they don't adhere to a cardio work out for long enough for it to work. Transforming abdominal fat into muscle takes a little time and patience; but it will definitely happen if you stick just with the plan. That means more than just one or two weeks!
Weight training is the other secret of how to lose abdominal fat as it's the combination effect of all four steps that works. Crunches and squats are both easy weight training exercises that will shift abdominal fat so long as you adhere to the schedule of persistence, diet, cardio and weight training together.


Advanced Weight Loss Techniques

Lately the diet industry has been exposing us to diet pill after diet pill. Unfortunately, most of these pills do absolutely nothing to truly achieve weight loss, and some of them even harm our bodies. In this article we will touch on some newer advanced weight loss techniques, and help you steer clear of the scams, gimmicks, and false promises that can be found online.

When setting yourself up with a plan to lose weight, you should go in prepared. The reason why we are staying away from diet pills is simple, they don't work. Some fat blockers found in these pills such as Xenical don't just block fat, they block the absorption of key vitamins and minerals. In the process they can cause severe cramps, bloating, or even diarrhea. Other drugs found in these pills like Sibutramine (appetite suppressant) can raise blood pressure and heart rate. In doing so your risk for heart attack also rises, especially if you already have high blood pressure. These reasons and more are why we are staying far away from diet pills for our advanced weight loss techniques.

Big help can come in the form of diet regiments. One program for example, FatLoss4idiots, utilizes a new concept in weight loss. This new concept is known as calorie shift, which enables your body to safely and effectively manipulate your fat burning hormones. Shifting calories requires nothing more than slightly changing how you eat, and there are thousands of people across the country seeing success with this new diet program. In addition to a successful diet regiment, cleansing your body of toxins is another advanced weight loss technique.

The colon cleanse is something you may have heard of recently. Cleansing your body is a relatively new and still overlooked technique in advanced weight loss. This process can drastically increase the rate at which you lose weight, naturally. Although a colon cleanse will not immediately cause you to shed 40 pounds overnight like some scams may claim, they do offer numerous long term benefits. A good colon cleansing system can provide you with a sort of body "tune up". By cleaning out your digestive system and allowing you to break down fats at a much higher rate, a colon cleanse will significantly increase your chances of success when starting an advanced weight loss regiment. If you combine a diet routine that doesn't drastically alter your lifestyle with a simple colon cleansing system, you may be seriously surprised at how fast you lose weight.

Need help call Goodness 07032973204

How to Get Rid of Wrinkles - 5 Simple Ingredients Most Don't Know About

Learning how to get rid of wrinkles is almost a must in this day age. But I have to say, the best way to look good is to prevent wrinkles from happening altogether.

Don't worry though, in this article we'll go through a few ingredients. Many people are not aware of these ingredients because they can often be expensive and hard to use in most skin care products.

With all that said, let's start learning how to get rid of wrinkles easily and safely! Here are the 5 ingredients I personally use on a daily basis successfully:

1. Grapeseed Oil - A very powerful oil that is derived from grapes. It is filled with antioxidants, fatty acids and vitamins to help protect your skin and body against free radicals. It has been proven effective in repairing your skin and to reduce stretch marks naturally.

2. Avocado Oil - A very hydrating and healing oil. It contains vitamin A, E, D, potassium, proteins, beta-carotene and other fatty acids. If you want to reduce age spots, wrinkles and dryness, avocado oil is one of the best choices out there.

3. Maracuja - A passion fruit extract that acts as a natural emollient and is nourishing and revitalizing to your skin. Maracuja naturally regulates the production of sebum in your skin, which means that your skin will not become too dry or oily.

4. Babassu - A light, natural wax that originates from Brazil, from the Amazon region. It makes your skin feel very soft and smooth, all the while soothing your skin. It has been used for eczema, inflamed, dry and itchy skin for a long time by the natives.

5. Eyeliss™ - A very expensive ingredient that has not been available to the general public until recently. Many skin care products still do not use it because of its price, but it has been proven extremely effective in getting rid of wrinkles.

Need help call Goodness 07032973204

The info below is for people that care about their skin:

Want to get rid of your ugly looking skin, are you tired of your bad skin, have you ever wonder if you can ever maintain that youthful skin of yours.

Then order for my free Ebook on SKIN CARE and be on your way out of skin weary.

The first 100 people to order is going to pay the sum of N1000 Only.

To order, pay into GTB,

ACCOUNT NAME: Adebo Usifo Goodness

ACCOUNT NUMBER: 4214355851590


How to Get Rid of Wrinkles - 5 Simple Ingredients Most Don't Know About

Learning how to get rid of wrinkles is almost a must in this day age. But I have to say, the best way to look good is to prevent wrinkles from happening altogether.

Don't worry though, in this article we'll go through a few ingredients. Many people are not aware of these ingredients because they can often be expensive and hard to use in most skin care products.

With all that said, let's start learning how to get rid of wrinkles easily and safely! Here are the 5 ingredients I personally use on a daily basis successfully:

1. Grapeseed Oil - A very powerful oil that is derived from grapes. It is filled with antioxidants, fatty acids and vitamins to help protect your skin and body against free radicals. It has been proven effective in repairing your skin and to reduce stretch marks naturally.

2. Avocado Oil - A very hydrating and healing oil. It contains vitamin A, E, D, potassium, proteins, beta-carotene and other fatty acids. If you want to reduce age spots, wrinkles and dryness, avocado oil is one of the best choices out there.

3. Maracuja - A passion fruit extract that acts as a natural emollient and is nourishing and revitalizing to your skin. Maracuja naturally regulates the production of sebum in your skin, which means that your skin will not become too dry or oily.

4. Babassu - A light, natural wax that originates from Brazil, from the Amazon region. It makes your skin feel very soft and smooth, all the while soothing your skin. It has been used for eczema, inflamed, dry and itchy skin for a long time by the natives.

5. Eyeliss™ - A very expensive ingredient that has not been available to the general public until recently. Many skin care products still do not use it because of its price, but it has been proven extremely effective in getting rid of wrinkles.

Need help call Goodness 07032973204

The info below is for people that care about their skin:

Want to get rid of your ugly looking skin, are you tired of your bad skin, have you ever wonder if you can ever maintain that youthful skin of yours.

Then order for my free Ebook on SKIN CARE and be on your way out of skin weary.

The first 100 people to order is going to pay the sum of N1000 Only.

To order, pay into GTB,

ACCOUNT NAME: Adebo Usifo Goodness

ACCOUNT NUMBER: 4214355851590


Most Effective Remedies to Treat Eczema

There are many remedies to treat eczema that you can undertake in order to keep your eczema under control. Obviously prevention is extremely important and is the first thing you need to consider. Some of the treatments provided by doctors can be effective to a certain degree, although they are not able to cure the condition.

Some of the remedies to treat eczema include the following:

Corticosteroid Creams - these are good for milder cases and can usually be obtained over the counter. There are stronger options of corticosteroid, although these can only be obtained by prescription. These are a form of steroid and are available in creams, pills and in severe cases, can involve an injection into the bloodstream. Some of the side effects include infection, skin thinning and dilated blood vessels.

Topical Immunomodulators - many prefer a treatment such as this, rather than using products containing steroids like corticosteroid. Topical Immunomodulators, although recommended for only short-term use, work by changing aspects of the immune system to reduce and manage inflammation. This topical treatment needs to be applied only to the infected areas and is not suitable for children under the age of two.

Oral Antihistamines - antihistamines are remedies to treat eczema and are able to reduce and relieve the itching sensation that is characteristic of eczema. If the itching is stopped, the area will have a better chance to heal, than if the area is constantly being scratched. These are good for a range of allergies and they work by suppressing histamines, which are naturally produced by the body. You will find that eczema is very itchy and inflamed during the night. Your body may not even be aware of this itching, although you will continue to scratch during your sleep, further inflaming the area.

Ultraviolet Therapy - eczema can be effectively treated with ultraviolet light, when conducted over a range of treatment sessions. The skin is exposed to the light for a certain period of time, and depending on how severe an individuals condition is, will depend on the number of treatment that need to be taken.

Remedies to treat eczema naturally are an option that many are searching for. Moisturizing the skin is important to replace the moisture that dries out, causing flaky, dry skin. Putting moisture back into the affected area will help to relieve the itching symptoms.

It is often recommended, that people who suffer from eczema should apply moisturizer a minimum of 2-3 times each day, and in some cases more. A moisturizer that uses natural ingredients and contains herb extracts such as aloe vera, rosemary, chamomile and witch hazel, are suitable remedies

Need help call Goodness 07032973204

The info below is for people that care about their skin:

Want to get rid of your ugly looking skin, are you tired of your bad skin, have you ever wonder if you can ever maintain that youthful skin of yours.

Then order for my free Ebook on SKIN CARE and be on your way out of skin weary.

The first 100 people to order is going to pay the sum of N1000 Only.

To order, pay into GTB,

ACCOUNT NAME: Adebo Usifo Goodness

ACCOUNT NUMBER: 4214355851590


How to Make Aging Face Look Younger - Simple Tips That Really Work

We all want to retain our youthful appearances especially in this age when physical looks matter so much in all aspects of our lives. So, this article is going to tell you how to make aging face look younger; they are simple but effective tips to follow.

* Foods - What you put into your body is very important; stay away from junk foods because they age you more. Eat more of vegetables, fruits and nuts; augment your foods with vitamins/minerals and fish oil supplementation. Fish oil is known for its ability to soften and smooth away lines and wrinkles; thus, it helps to make aging face look younger.

* Water - Drink lots and lots of water to help hydrate your body and flush out toxins. Toxins contribute to aging; so, getting rid of them helps to rejuvenate your skin.

* UV rays of the sun - Protect your skin from the UV rays of the sun; they damage your skin and cause sunburns, freckles and age spots.

* Collagen - Increase the amount of collagen in your skin; collagen helps to tighten your skin, it also removes other aging signs such as wrinkles and age spots. Using skin creams that contain collagen will not increase collagen in your skin because collagen is not absorbed into your body when applied topically.

However, Using a face cream that contains Cynergy TK will help to stimulate the natural collagen and elastin in your body thereby, removing lines, wrinkles and age spots; hence, Cynergy TK helps to make aging face look younger.

* Antioxidants - Your facial cream should also contain powerful antioxidant that will counter the activities of free radicals. Such antioxidants include Natural vitamin E and Nano-lipobelle HEQ10.

* Harsh chemicals - If you really want to make aging face look younger, you need to stay away from products that contain harsh chemicals such as petrochemicals (mineral oil), parabens, fragrances and alcohols. These chemicals damage your skin more and worsen the the visible signs of aging.

Follow the tips in this article and you will realize that it is not so difficult to make aging face look younger; you can also visit my website for information on natural ingredients that will help make your skin healthy, younger and beautiful.

Need help call Goodness 07032973204

The info below is for people that care about their skin:

Want to get rid of your ugly looking skin, are you tired of your bad skin, have you ever wonder if you can ever maintain that youthful skin of yours.

Then order for my free Ebook on SKIN CARE and be on your way out of skin weary.

The first 100 people to order is going to pay the sum of N1000 Only.

To order, pay into GTB,

ACCOUNT NAME: Adebo Usifo Goodness

ACCOUNT NUMBER: 4214355851590


Best Way to Get Rid of Acne? 4 "Surefire" Homemade Pimple Treatments

What's the best way to get rid of acne? There are obviously a TON of treatments you can buy-but "homemade pimple treatments" are HANDS DOWN the best way to eliminate zits.

You DO NOT need some fancy "store bought" product. Here are 4 tips for how to get rid of blackheads and achieve clear skin now.

TIP #1) Don't pinch

True, this isn't a "remedy" per se-but it's still critically important because pinching can make the problem 10 times worse. The reason is that it just distributes the acne producing oils to all parts of your face.

This can cause future outbreaks, as well as PERMANENT scars. Trust me--pinching just isn't worth the risk.

TIP #2) Use ice

Put an ice pack on the zit every 30 minutes--and keep it there for 2-3 minutes each time. This tends to make the pimple less noticeable although it doesn't get rid of it completely. This is one of the better "home remedies for zits" out there.

TIP #3) Concealer

This one is pretty self explanatory. Obviously it does nothing except hide the zit... but if you have to be somewhere important and need a fast solution... this homemade pimple treatment is your answer.

It's not the best way to get rid of acne but it works when in a bind.

TIP #4) Eat healthier

All of the above solutions have one thing in common-they are just temporary. Getting rid of pimples FOREVER will require eating healthier---there's just no way around that.


Don't worry-I'm not saying you have to stop eating of all your favorite foods--you don't have to give up junk food completely if you don't want to.

I recommend restricting it to one day a week at first, but eventually you should cut it out completely-this will help eliminate your cravings entirely.

It might seem impossible right now, but trust me-eventually your cravings for junk will just disappear altogether.

To sum up

Eating healthier is the best way to get rid of acne, so use these homemade pimple treatments and you will get results very shortly.

Need help call Goodness 07032973204

The info below is for people that care about their skin:

Want to get rid of your ugly looking skin, are you tired of your bad skin, have you ever wonder if you can ever maintain that youthful skin of yours.

Then order for my free Ebook on SKIN CARE and be on your way out of skin weary.

The first 100 people to order is going to pay the sum of N1000 Only.

To order, pay into GTB,

ACCOUNT NAME: Adebo Usifo Goodness

ACCOUNT NUMBER: 4214355851590


How to Cure Insomnia - Turning Off Your Mind

Out of the many people that suffer from insomnia, there are at least a third that can attribute their sleeping issues to not being able to stop thinking about things. You can't seem to turn off your brain. You have tons of things from the day replaying, and you may also be thinking about what you need to do the next day. Unfortunately, this is not helpful. One of the main ideas behind sleeping is so that the brain has the rest that it needs, free from most major activities. When you sleep, your brainwaves are operating at the lowest possible level. Learning how to cure insomnia means learning how to shut off your brain.

The first thing that you need to do in your efforts to learn how to cure insomnia is make sure that you are forgetting about the day's events when you walk through the door at the end of the day. If there are certain things that you need to remember for the next day, write them down and be done with it. Don't dwell on what hasn't happened yet.

Learning how to cure insomnia also means that you may need to try some simple relaxation techniques. Try some meditation. Meditation has been tested in real scientific tests and has been proven to show that when you meditate for at least 20 minutes a day, you can effectively relax the body and mind. When used before bed, meditation can help make you feel sleepy enough to fall asleep without issues

If you need help or more great tips, feel free to callor sms Goodness on 07032973204.

Wishing you all the best in life

7 Ways to Survive a Snoring Spouse

If your sweetheart snores you have a problem. A good night sleep is essential to good health and a healthy marriage. If your husband or wife snores, you might have trouble getting to sleep and staying asleep. All you need is love...and a good night's sleep.

If your snoring partner is keeping you awake, you have a couple choices. Either your partner can take some steps to stop snoring or you can learn to adapt. Lets look solutions which fit into both categories.

The snorer often isn't aware of the problem. Snoring might just be annoying, but it can also be a sign of sleep apnea. If a person has sleep apnea they may stop breathing for a few moments while they sleep and the snoring is a response. Here are a few steps to stop the snoring.

1. Sleep Apnea - Have you spouse see a doctor and be assessed for sleep apnea. If he or she is diagnosed with sleep apnea, treatment will follow.

2. Overweight - Snoring can be caused by obesity. If your partner is overweight dieting and exercising may reduce the night time serenades.

3. Eliminate common causes of snoring - Drinking and smoking can cause or increasing snoring. Reducing or eliminating these activities may help. Also try to avoid eating heavy meals just before sleep.

4. Over the counter remedies - There are several remedies available at your drug store. Ask your doctor or pharmacist for suggestions.

5. Sleep on side and not back - Try encouraging your partner to sleep on his or her side. Check out a maternity body pillow to help your spouse stay sideways.

If the snoring continues, you might choose to change some of your behaviors. Remember, marriages are happier when partners aren't exhausted.

6. Earplugs or white noise - You can try earplugs or playing some sort of music or recorded sounds to lull you into sleep. If you focus on the sounds of your choice you might be able to relax into sleep.

7. Different rooms - This might sound like a drastic solution, but having a good night sleep could help, not hinder your marriage.

If you need help or more great tips, feel free to callor sms Goodness on 07032973204.

Wishing you all the best in life

Want Fresh Young Skin? - Uncover the Hidden Secrets Here

Everyone would surely love to have fresh young skin; a skin that is smooth, firm, and that glows radiantly. You will definitely feel more confident and happy with yourself since a lot of people get amazed by how your skin looks. It is despite the factors present in the environment that damages the skin and makes it less radiant and appealing.

People are still continuously searching for that perfect skin care product that can help them achieve a skin that is soft, blemish free, and perfectly flawless. Their constant searches make them find various products that promise efficiency, but actually give harmful effects that can threaten their health.

Achieving fresh young skin is something that should not be taken lightly since making the wrong decision of using a skin care product that is actually harmful will only impose a threat to your overall health and will likely damage your skin instead of making it look young and fresh.

The hidden secrets of people who have fresh young skin are actually easy and the only thing that made these secrets 'hidden' are the lack of patience of other people to take their time in looking for that perfect skin care product that will make their skin look good.

The perfect skin care product will provide the best and side effect free benefits that you can achieve. Making use of safe and effective ingredients, these skin care products are the real hidden secrets that people who have beautiful and glowing skin use.

Almost all beauty products that you can think of might have one ingredient or two that can harm your body once you use them regularly. It is because most manufacturers of these beauty products find cheaper alternatives that can make them save up money and earn more profit.

Uncovering the hidden secrets to achieve a young looking and glowing skin means finding less marketed brands that focus more on improving their products and making them safe for their consumers with no dangerous side effects whatsoever present.

Closely scrutinizing each skin care product available in the market will help you find the best products that do not contain any harmful ingredients. Also, knowing which products are harmful to the body will help you distinguish which products offer the best skin care treatment.

Using a top rated skin care product that contains beneficial ingredients that have been proven to be effective in making you achieve fresh young skin and not just using expensive and well marketed products is a hidden secret that other people have uncovered and have benefited from

Need help call Goodness 07032973204.

The info below is for people that care about their skin:

Want to get rid of your ugly looking skin, are you tired of your bad skin, have you ever wonder if you can ever maintain that youthful skin of yours.

Then order for my free Ebook on SKIN CARE and be on your way out of skin weary.

The first 100 people to order is going to pay the sum of N1000 Only.

To order, pay into GTB,

ACCOUNT NAME: Adebo Usifo Goodness

ACCOUNT NUMBER: 4214355851590


Natural Snore Cures

With a multitude of snoring solutions available in the markets today, snoring cure is not impossible. So, if you suffer from frequent disturbances while sleeping due to your bed partners obnoxious snores, it is time to look for an effective snoring treatment. With intense studies and research that have taken place in the sleep disorder realm, it is a certainty that there is a cure available for almost any kind of snoring. With the increase in people's snoring, evolves the risk of developing sleep apnea and a host of other diseases such as heart attacks, cardiac problems, diabetes, strokes and other mental disorders.

With a variety of different snoring solutions available, putting an end to your snoring is not an issue any longer. If you have blocked nose, anti snoring device, better known as a nasal dilator can help you breathe better and snore less. Saline drops and herbal nasal sprays are also known to unclog blockages in the nasal passages.

It is important to look for a snore cure, not just because of ending the irritating noises at night but because excessive and habitual snoring leads to sleep apnea over time. This sleep disorder can turn fatal and thus needs immediate medical attention as the snorer actually stops breathing while asleep. In serious cases, CPAP device is used to force the air to go into the lungs, if the person is unable to breathe involuntarily. With the use of this device, the machine helps to keep the narrow breathing passages from collapsing or becoming blocked helping to stop snoring or at least reduces to a large extend.

Another snoring remedy, mandibular device is used as a gum shield that helps to stop snores. Chin straps are external applications that help keep the mouth closed so that the snorer doesn't snore through the mouth, when the jaw muscles relax and the lower jaw drops open. Chin straps may not be an apt gift for your spouse or partner, but it does help if they snore.

But if you are looking for other anti snoring options, try some of the most effective and tested nasal and throat sprays that are known to stop snoring completely. The nasal and throat sprays work to lubricate the throat area tissues that vibrate causing that obnoxious sound every night. With regular use of these non addictive snoring relief sprays, not only will you breathe better but the sudden end to your snoring will be a blessed relief to your bed partner while you can sleep better.

It is due to over relaxed muscles in the throat that really cause the snoring. Lying on the back while sleeping leads to compression in the throat region, increasing snoring frequency and decibels. You can look for special pillows that elevate the head considerably for better breathing even while lying on the back or try piling some pillows behind the snorer's back so he or she is usually sleeping on their side for less snoring at night. Other than these a healthy diet, exercise and a regulated lifestyle can help you stop snoring.

If you need help or more great tips, feel free to callor sms Goodness on 07032973204.

Wishing you all the best in life

Discover the Best Anti-Snore Methods

Many people are looking for the right anti snore methods, and it isn't hard to find many different products as well as surgery. Some of these products you can find over the counter like herbal remedies. In most cases these methods are just as effective as surgery and less costly.

For many, anti snore methods don't require a doctor's visit. If you have health problems associated with snoring, such as sleep apnea, it might be a good idea to fix your problem on a more permanent basis. There are different surgical methods to stop snoring, the most common being laser assisted uvuloplatoplasty. This procedure is conducted on an outpatient basis under local anesthetic and involves using a laser to vaporize the loose end of the palate. The best thing about this surgery is that it can be performed as often as needed to correct snoring.

There are also palate stiffening anti snore operations and this involves cauterizing the palate, causing it to scar and stiffen up. This too is an outpatient procedure, but it can't be performed very many times without heath problems occurring. When thinking about any kind of surgical procedure consult your doctor to make sure this is the best option.

Anti snore methods also come in the form of products that are designed to open the airways of the nose and mouth. There are some devices that are placed on the bridge of the nose and attach to the outside of the nostrils to flare them out. Some people stand by these devices, and won't go to bed without them. Other external methods can include mouthpieces that keep your airway open but don't constrict movement of the mouth.

There are anti snore methods that are all natural, and can in fact improve other aspects of your life. A cause of snoring can come from excess congestion in the throat area. This can be corrected by stopping smoking and changing your diet by not eating foods like dairy products, fried foods, as well as some baked goods that cause more congestion. Foods that are really good for snorers are mustard greens, pears, thyme, and horseradish, just to name a few.

Snoring can also be caused by excessive weight, and a good anti snore method can simply be getting some exercise every day and dropping some pounds. Certainly adding this to your lifestyle can definitely improve not only snoring but also improve your health. This would not only be beneficial for you, but also for your partner as well.

You can find many different kinds of anti snore methods online and in local stores. Check for prices of snoring devices, and while cheapest is not always the best idea, you don't want to spend money on something that you may find doesn't work for you. A good place to start would be simply to talk with your healthcare provider and see what they have to say first. It is also a good idea to educate yourself on the causes of snoring, and compare which products may work, and which ones aren't recommended.

If you need help or more great tips, feel free to callor sms Goodness on 07032973204.

Wishing you all the best in life

Monday, October 26, 2009

Young Clear Skin is Achievable If You Use the Correct Ingredients

There is never a time in your life when you appreciate young clear skin for the beautiful thing that it is until you begin to see yours wither away before your eyes. Looking at ourselves in the mirror, and witnessing the slow degradation of our skin is difficult for most people to do. The feeling of dismay over getting older is overwhelming for some, and fuels desperation for a way to turn things around.

The cosmetics industry understands the way that you feel, and this is why they literally put out hundreds of new anti aging skin care formulas every year. Just because they understand your feelings, and strive to present you with new products to buy doesn't necessarily mean that they are trying to help you. The cosmetics industry fully understands that the bulk of the products they provide will not help you in any way.

More likely than not, the formula that these companies will present you with for developing young clear skin, will contain ingredients whose names are familiar to you. You know them because they are the proteins that are your connective tissue, and the disaccharide polymer that is our skin's "glue". These compounds cannot be introduced to the body through the surface of the skin.

Collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid are the ingredients that have drawn millions of consumers in, because people know these are the exact compounds that they need to replenish. It is a proven scientific fact that none of these components is capable of being absorbed by the skin, because their molecular density is simply too great. This has been known for quite some time.

So, the cosmetics companies have been knowingly selling you formulas for producing young clear skin that they knew could not possibly make a difference in your appearance. How does it make you feel towards the companies that offer these types of products? In my opinion, companies that knowingly take advantage of the physical insecurities of others should qualify to be punished by law, but that would only be possible in a perfect world.

There are companies that are actually developing anti aging formulas with the goal of helping you achieve younger looking skin. These are the entities that are using the technology that we have to develop natural compounds such as Cynergy TK. This compound is a fusion of protein complexes, combined with a number of enzymes, which causes collagen and elastin production to steeply increase.

The info below is for people that care about their skin:

Want to get rid of your ugly looking skin, are you tired of your bad skin, have you ever wonder if you can ever maintain that youthful skin of yours.

Then order for my free Ebook on SKIN CARE and be on your way out of skin weary.

The first 100 people to order is going to pay the sum of N1000 Only.

To order, pay into GTB,

ACCOUNT NAME: Adebo Usifo Goodness

ACCOUNT NUMBER: 4214355851590


Reversing Diabetes - 3 Secrets to Diabetes Reversal

Reversing diabetes is possible, and best of all it can all be done with natural remedies. Everyone with diabetes probably wants to know the exact secret for diabetes reversal.

Well I have a lot of family members that have diabetes and I have began to do a lot of research about it since I know I am likely to be at risk. By being armed with the knowledge on how to reverse diabetes I will be able to lead a healthier lifestyle and reduce my risks of full blown diabetes.

Reversing diabetes can be done! There is a lot of useful information online and I have found what I believe to be the best source for anyone looking for answers on diabetes reversal.

If you want to know the truth about reversing diabetes, my first piece of advice is to read articles like this one.

My second piece of advice is that you have to change your lifestyle, and change your eating habits. You do not have to do it drastically because if you do, you are doomed to fail. Small changes are all you need!

Some people make the mistake in thinking that if they do a lot of cardio, and exercise all the time they will be effective in reversing diabetes. Well this is a myth, and there are many more things to consider if you want to be successful and healthy.

There are many free diabetic meal plans, free diabetic recipes, and free guides on how to live a healthy lifestyle!

My third piece of advice is to take advantage of the internet and check out the amazing resources on diabetes reversal!

I recommend you check out the facts and learn what it takes to reverse diabetes by clicking Diabetes Reversal!

Need help call Goodness 07032973204

The info below is for people that care about their skin:

Want to get rid of your ugly looking skin, are you tired of your bad skin, have you ever wonder if you can ever maintain that youthful skin of yours.

Then order for my free Ebook on SKIN CARE and be on your way out of skin weary.

The first 100 people to order is going to pay the sum of N1000 Only.

To order, pay into GTB,

ACCOUNT NAME: Adebo Usifo Goodness

ACCOUNT NUMBER: 4214355851590


If You Knew This, Diabetes Symptoms Would Not Go Unnoticed

As sugar is the substance of life, it is considered precious and, as an imperative, the body goes to large lengths to maintain it. The kidneys hold a natural barricade to prevent the loss of sugar in urine. However all the additional sugar in the bloodstream needs to go somewhere. Because of the disproportionate levels of sugar in the bloodstream of the diabetic, this kidney barricade is inundated, and sugar spills into the urine. To be excreted out in the right consistency, this spilled sugar needs to be in liquid form, so large amounts of water are pulled into the bladder, producing great volumes of urine. To meet this requirement you will be drinking almost all the time. All this creates the typical diabetes symptoms: excessive thirst, excessive urination, excessive hunger, weight loss (from burning muscle and fat to try and nourish the cells), among others.


No one knows for sure the causes of diabetes, even though there may be numerous contributory factors. Genetics is probably one, and fatness is another. On the whole, males are believed to be more prone to diabetes than females, and it is normally older people who develop the disease. Anyway, only your doctor can offer satisfactory diagnosis of symptoms and tell you whether they are in fact diabetes symptoms.


Diabetes symptoms progress according to the extent and range of high blood glucose levels. The symptoms may initially show very mild, then progress to more severe symptoms (i.e. excessive need for liquids and urination), and finally to the perilous life-threatening conditions of kidney failure or heart disease. The progression of symptoms is usually slow and steady over years for type 2 diabetes and quick over weeks or months for type 1 diabetes. Sufferers from type 2 diabetes frequently go undiagnosed long enough to make them start to get signs of the complications of the illness, such as foot or kidney problems.

Many people show no signs or symptoms. Diabetes symptoms may also be so soft that you might not still perceive you have them. Lots of people all over the world have type 2 diabetes and do not recognize it.


Diabetes symptoms to look for: increased hunger and thirst, fatigue, increased urination, inexplicable weight loss, blurry vision, sores that will not heal. At times people have symptoms but do not deduce diabetes. They postpone scheduling a health check for the reason that they do not feel bad. Many diabetics do not discover they have the disease until they have serious complications, such as kidney failure or heart trouble.

This is why it is imperative to detect early if you have diabetes: adequate treatment can prevent harm to the body at early stages. An early sign of kidney injure is when your kidneys give away small quantities of a substance called albumin into the urine. With additional damage, the kidneys leak growing amounts of albumin. This harm gets worse until the kidneys fall short or stop working. Quantities of people with diabetes feel "in bad condition" or have mild diabetes symptoms that may go unrecognized. Others have signs such as feeling thirsty, urinating frequently, losing weight, feeling tired, having blurred vision, getting skin infections, and having slow healing cuts and bruises. These tribulations should be reported to your physician right away.

In addition to the above information, it may be required to check up symptoms that may be caused by consequences of diabetes or other related conditions.

The info below is for people that care about their skin:

Want to get rid of your ugly looking skin, are you tired of your bad skin, have you ever wonder if you can ever maintain that youthful skin of yours.

Then order for my free Ebook on SKIN CARE and be on your way out of skin weary.

The first 100 people to order is going to pay the sum of N1000 Only.

To order, pay into GTB,

ACCOUNT NAME: Adebo Usifo Goodness

ACCOUNT NUMBER: 4214355851590


Some Warning Signs of Diabetes

There are a few signs you can monitor to spot early diabetes. While each of the symptoms alone can be harmless, a combination of two or more should be carefully investigated. Early diabetes can be cured by switching to a healthy lifestyle, exercising and avoiding stress. Without claiming to show a full list, here are some of the warning signs the body can trigger.

Weakness and fatigue. While fatigue can be the sole result of a stressful life style and sleep deprivation, it could also be a warning sign of incipient diabetes. If there is not enough insulin in the bloodstream to decompose the glucose, the cells are deprived of energy and make the body feel run down.

Frequent urination and unquenchable thirst. Nonexistent, insufficient or ineffective insulin in your blood can be the warning sign of too much glucose in your blood. The kidneys become inefficient in filtering the glucose and try to drain extra water from your body to filter the residuals; hence the bladder is kept full. Also, the organism becomes dehydrated and you will always feel thirsty.

Weight loss. Since glucose isn't filtered back into the blood stream, the body will decompose the muscle tissue and fats to drain energy from. A considerable loss in weight without being on a diet could be an early sign of diabetes. You should consult with your physician.

Other signs include numbness and itchiness in hands and feet (due to the nervous system being damaged by the high concentration of glucose), blurred vision, cuts and bruises that seem to take too long to heal and a dry mouth. Frequent headaches can also be a sign of early diabetes, if they cannot be tracked down to a stressful lifestyle. Should you experience any of these, a visit to the doctor is highly recommended, to avoid further complications.

The info below is for people that care about their skin:

Want to get rid of your ugly looking skin, are you tired of your bad skin, have you ever wonder if you can ever maintain that youthful skin of yours.

Then order for my free Ebook on SKIN CARE and be on your way out of skin weary.

The first 100 people to order is going to pay the sum of N1000 Only.

To order, pay into GTB,

ACCOUNT NAME: Adebo Usifo Goodness

ACCOUNT NUMBER: 4214355851590


How to Reduce Blood Sugar Levels

The level of glucose in the bloodstream is regulated by the body. Once its mechanisms stop functioning properly, you need to follow a few easy tips to keep the sugar levels under control.

1. Switch to a healthier lifestyle. Junk food and soft drinks should be avoided at all costs, as they contain a huge level of carbohydrates that will make your blood glucose levels go through the roof. Also, avoid everything that is baked with white flour (white bread, potato chips or pizza) Eat lots of fruits and leafy vegetables.

2. Exercise regularly. No need for a fancy workout schedule, a personal trainer or a gym subscription - small exercises, like pushups and stand-ups, which can be done in the comfort of your home or office, will help your body keep the blood sugar levels under control. Jogging early in the morning, before breakfast, can work miracles for your circulatory system.

3. Eat four to five smaller meals per day rather than two or three large ones. Avoid eating late in the evening - experts recommend having the last meal of the day not later than 6PM. For proper digestion, start with a consistent breakfast and eat less as the day passes.

4. Pay attention to over the counter drugs. Some of these can raise your blood sugar levels as a side effect, so make sure you have carefully read the indications before buying any. If you are in doubt, consult with your doctor.

You should monitor your glucose levels carefully and ask for professional assistance if you notice large variations and irregular values. If not taken care of, hyperglycemia or hypoglycemia can lead to permanent damages of the nervous system and, eventually, seizures, comas even death.

The info below is for people that care about their skin:

Want to get rid of your ugly looking skin, are you tired of your bad skin, have you ever wonder if you can ever maintain that youthful skin of yours.

Then order for my free Ebook on SKIN CARE and be on your way out of skin weary.

The first 100 people to order is going to pay the sum of N1000 Only.

To order, pay into GTB,

ACCOUNT NAME: Adebo Usifo Goodness

ACCOUNT NUMBER: 4214355851590


But make sure ou first of all call before paying into the Bank.

Tips and Safe Treatments When Dealing With Bacterial Vaginosis and Pregnancy at the Same Time

BV is the nearly the most typical vaginal infection among women of reproductive age, even greater than the usual yeast infection or candidiasis. Due to the preponderance of this age group, bacterial vaginosis and pregnancy are often seen simultaneously in a woman.

The vagina is home to a good host of good bacteria as well as bad, unwanted bacteria. Bacterial vaginosis happens when the bad bacteria are overwhelmingly more than just the nice bacteria. This may happen when the lady is immunocompromised, expose to factors or lifestyle which increases the variety of dangerous bacteria during the vagina. Among the factors associated with BV are having sex with multiple partners, unhealthy diet, wiping from rear to front in addition to smoking cigarettes.

Whereas bacterial vaginosis commonly resolves by itself plus is nothing more than a nuisance to some women, bacterial vaginosis and pregnancy can be a troublesome combination. BV is related to amniotic fluid infection, premature delivery, pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), ectopic pregnancy, endometritis plus miscarriage. All of these things can be a danger to you and your child therefore it is best to get checked immediately for this.

How to tell if it is BV?

There are a good amount of common symptoms of BV, but the main one and more obvious is the discharge and foul smell. Generally itching plus pain when urinating can even be felt. It looks troublesome to determine if the discharge is caused by BV. A laboratory analysis and clinical impression is often needed prior to a definitive diagnosis is made. Treatment is usually through the utilization of antibiotics like metronidazole and clindamycin.

What to do?

An easy lifestyle and behavior modification may be used as natural treatments for bacterial vaginosis. Use of cotton underwear to promote air circulation, drinking green tea and alternative beverages with antioxidants can also strengthen the immune system. Increasing intake of fruits and vegetables while cutting down on sugar-wealthy foods can help improve your system plus at the same time deprive the bacteria of the sugar it needs to multiply. Bacterial Vaginosis and pregnancy are a common combination. It is best to eliminate risk factors plus improve your immune system to prevent this infection.

The info below is for people that care about their skin:

Want to get rid of your ugly looking skin, are you tired of your bad skin, have you ever wonder if you can ever maintain that youthful skin of yours.

Then order for my free Ebook on SKIN CARE and be on your way out of skin weary.

The first 100 people to order is going to pay the sum of N1000 Only.

To order, pay into GTB,

ACCOUNT NAME: Adebo Usifo Goodness

ACCOUNT NUMBER: 4214355851590


But make sure ou first of all call before paying into the Bank.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Remove Those Unattractive Stretch Marks With Microdermabrasion

Stretch marks are quite common in women and materialize most often during the latter half of pregnancy. They are pink, purple or reddish stripes and can appear on the abdomen, thighs, buttocks, breasts and arms. Even though they are unattractive, they are not dangerous, even though bright red streaks in your skin can certainly look alarming.

They are something to alert your physician to, however, as they can sometimes be a warning sign of other things going on within your body, such as Cushing's syndrome or a sort of adrenal gland issue.

Stretch marks are a result of stretching of the skin, just as their name implies. They are also influenced by the increased production of a hormone called cortisone. Cortisone is associated with the adrenal gland system and can have the impact of weakening the elastic fibers of the skin.

Various treatments are available in order to alleviate the appearance of stretch marks, including Tretinoin creams such as Retin-A, several different types of laser therapy, and microdermabrasion. The Tretinoin creams should not be used during pregnancy because they are a prescription drug that isn't suitable for a developing fetus.

These types of creams are effective because they rebuild the collagen in a body. Each of the laser treatments work because they revitalize collagen and the elasticity of the skin, as well.

Microdermabrasion is a dermatological procedure where tiny crystals are blown upon the skin in an abrasive manner using a hand held device. This is done in order to remove the flawed upper layer. A vacuum device then removes the crystals along with dead skin cells.

After healing occurs, the area is replaced with new skin which should have a smoother, revitalized appearance along with additional elasticity. Microdermabrasion is often the preferred treatment option for dealing with older stretch marks.

Some alternative medicine treatments have been reported to help with stretch marks. These include castor oil, olive oil or seaweed body wrappings. Certain vitamins, such as vitamin E, have also been touted as being helpful, but the reviews are certainly mixed about their effectiveness.

In terms of prevention, creams or lotions may help somewhat and can at least make a stretching belly more comfortable. It is also helpful to maintain a healthy weight throughout the pregnancy, not through dieting, but by eating highly nutritious foods, eliminating junk food and continuing to get an appropriate level of exercise.

If you begin to see these colorful marks streaking your body during your pregnancy, don't be alarmed. After the baby is born, you'll be able to take the appropriate steps to get rid of them.

Want to get rid of your ugly looking skin, are you tired of your bad skin, have you ever wonder if you can ever maintain that youthful skin of yours.

Then order for my free Ebook on SKIN CARE and be on your way out of skin weary.

The first 100 people to order is going to pay the sum of N1000 Only.

To order, pay into GTB,

ACCOUNT NAME: Adebo Usifo Goodness

ACCOUNT NUMBER: 4214355851590


But make sure ou firstof all call before paying into the Bank.

NOTE: If there is no changes in your skin after using my product, Feel free to ask for your money.

What is Beauty About Anyway?

The existence of beauty pageants can be traced back to the earliest centuries in Europe. During those times, the May Day King and Queen are chosen as a representative of the country and its traditions. Usually, it is young and beautiful women who are chosen as the May Day Queen.

In America, the first-ever beauty pageant is staged way back in 1854. However, this pageant did not push through because of public protests and criticisms. Its organizer, P.T. Barnum, then settled for a photo contest through newspapers. It was in 1880 when another organizer staged another contest using beauty as its theme. This happened in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware and it was dubbed as the "Bathing Beauty Pageant". Aside from beauty contests, the event was organized for business promotion purposes as well. Since then, it became an annual festivity and women from all across the country joined.

Perhaps one of the most grandiose and anticipated events when it comes to beauty pageant is the Miss World competition. Participated by candidates from different countries across the globe, the winner has the opportunity to bring honor to her country. Aside from this tremendous chance, the winning candidate will also have the opportunity to represent the organizations' principles and advocacies.

Beauty pageants took another step by incorporating principles supported by the generation it represents. As what Miss Jamaica World 1967 Laurel deMercado observes, she says that during their time, being a beauty queen means visiting factories and hospitals. Today, beauty contestants are more sociable and seem to have more fun. Miss Jamaica World 1999 Desiree DePass, on the hand, notes that during her time, the talent competition is not part of the program. She relates that incorporating this event added spice to the competition by having the opportunity to win over the judges, promote social skills and camaraderie.

In addition to the wonderful experience, the winner is sure to take home lots of beautiful experiences like travelling around the world, meeting different people and sharing other cultures. Being a beauty queen also offers lots of career opportunities. As what deMercado puts it, beauty queens nowadays earn a lot more money than her and other beauty queens during her time. This is very true with Miss Jamaica World 2007 Yendi Phillips as she graced Jamaican television every Friday and Saturday via a TV program that she hosts.

I am giving this ebook to the first 100 people to order from Nairaland for just N1000 and money back after two weeks of purchase without any reasonable effect....GUARANTEE.
Grab your copy of Total Skin Care today and put yourself on the path to a long and healthy Life.

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ACCOUNT NAME: Adebo Usifo Goodness

ACCOUNT NUMBER: 4214355851590


But make sure you first of all call Goodness on 08053081804 to verify if the offer is still available

Women - Correct Your Body Image and Start Loving Your Body Again!

I remember being maybe 6 years old and sitting at home on the floor with my legs stretched out in front of me. I was looking at my legs and thinking they were cute and perfect. Not in a conceited way - I just loved my body. I also remember staring close into the mirror at my eyes and marveling at the little lines and different colors in the iris, and watching my pupils dilate and contract. I was amazed at my body. It didn't really occur to me to care how I looked to anyone else.

But by the time I was 13 I was wearing makeup, plucking my eyebrows, shaving my legs, coloring my hair, dressing to highlight my curves, and exercising to try to get that right body shape. What had caused this change? At that age, all of my peers had become aware of the opposite sex and were starting to have boyfriends. Many were even having sex. Everyone was trying to be more attractive than the others. I felt like I had to compete with other girls to attract a boyfriend. I had to look like the women in the music videos if any boy was ever going to like me. Whoever didn't meet the standard when it came to beauty and fashion was falling behind socially. I sure didn't want that to be me! If I was unsuccessful at attracting a boyfriend with high social status I would surely be unsuccessful in life. I felt that society imposed this standard and it was reinforced by everyone around me, even the adults. Maybe they thought I was too young to have a boyfriend at the time, but the adults around me still encouraged me to look more attractive and grown-up.

If it isn't hard enough already, the standard for beauty keeps being raised. We artificially enhance beauty ever-increasingly. It has now become impossible to keep up with the best of them without multiple surgeries and spending the bulk of your time and money focused on your appearance. Not only is this impractical, it is also unhealthy and a waste of our life. Do we feel different about ourselves because of this impractical standard of beauty?

A 2003 study found that exposure to a few fashion models could have a significant effect on body image ideals. College students were separated into two equal groups. One group was shown images of thin models while the other group was shown images of plus-size models. They were then asked to choose the ideal body size for women.

Perception of the body image ideal was thinner for those who saw thin models in comparison to those who saw plus-size models. In both the thin and plus-models conditions, women's ratings of the ideal was thinner than men's ratings.

According to a 2008 body survey in the UK magazine Fabulous, women claim their ideal body size is a US size 6. When asked, the men said they thought the ideal female body size should be a US size 10.

It was found in an earlier college study that young women systematically overestimate men's preference for a thin female ideal, whereas young men overestimate women's preference for a heavier and muscular male ideal. Also, most people sought a significantly thinner ideal than their current weight, no matter their age.

A study in 2000 found that with the media constantly reinforcing idealized norms of attractiveness and thinness, repeated comparison with these norms obviously explains the formation of distorted self-ideals. But what was interesting was not everyone was equally vulnerable to the internalization of these norms. It was proven that many women are able to either simply reject it, or take a more multidimensional view of the self, in which the ideal body image is assigned less importance.

It's time for all women to take that more multidimensional view. Why are we women so hard on ourselves when it comes to body image? We've established that we're harder on ourselves than we need to be to attract men. This is because we're comparing ourselves to the images we see in the media. Let's stop worrying so much about looks, and start living! After all, the bulk of our appearance is dictated by genetics and can't be changed. Why worry about what we can't change? Let's get back to that self-love that is based upon the wonder and natural beauty of the body, and not on what men or others might think of us.


Total Skin Care
Have you ever wondered what it might be like to find the long lost Fountain of Youth? We
can’t promise you that, but we can give you a close second.
Your skin is the first telltale sign of getting old. Starting today, get the facts about “antiaging”
and what you can do to forestall it.
Hey, there’s no way you can stop the aging process but there’s no reason why you can’t
fight it kicking and screaming all the way!
Do you know the two types of aging that make your skin vulnerable? I address this in the
first chapter. Know your enemy! Learn how and why skin ages. Good grief, how can you
fight an enemy unless you have a full understanding of how and why it operates?
Once you understand how and why your skin ages it makes the next step of identifying your
skin type almost child’s play in the next few chapters.
The Skinny on Skin Creams
Try counting the number of commercials you see every day touting some new “miracle
cream” that is guaranteed to make you look the model. Yeah right!
Anti-aging goods and services account for billions of dollars spent in the hopes of delaying
the onset of skin aging. This topic is covered in our chapter on skin cream and wrinkles.
Finally, get the “skinny on skin creams” and find out which ones work and which ones don’t.
Remember, those television AND print ads are designed to separate you from your money.
Truth be told most of their claims are slanted and unrealistic. Often you will find that there
are low cost solutions to the problems that these expensive creams are supposed to cure!
Sandpaper Skin Care
Well, it’s pretty close. Depending on who you are and what skin type you have this can be a
brutal process! They use different names and supposedly produce miraculous results, but take
a closer look.
We’re talking about chemical skin peels. . .wow, that sounds like something out of a bad scifi
movie)! Then there’s dermabrasion. . . yikes, did they dig that one up along with a
They are tortuous, expensive procedures that are supposed to leave you with a new, younger
looking top layer of skin and a refreshing experience.
Hmmm, I think people with first degree burns experience that as well and they certainly
didn’t ask for it!
Now, if you are really into personal torture you can graduate to the head of the class with
Botox, Collagen injections, laser procedures, facelifts and other invasive methods.
Be True to your Mother!
Mother Nature, that is. Some people have liposuction. Others have fat moved from one body
part to another. Others are pushed, pulled and stretched into unnatural blobs of flesh. All this
is done in the name of youth.
It’s a fact that Mother Nature does have tools in place that can give you optimal results
helping you to look and feel younger despite the ravages of time. I do discuss these natural
options as well.
What Can You Do?
Your skin is the largest single organ of your body. It’s also the most vulnerable. Start
educating yourself immediately! There is no reason not to fight the aging process with every
tool at your disposal.
Your best defense is information and not necessarily another $50.00 jar of the latest and
greatest so-called cures!
Take a look at the arsenal of information waiting for you:
• How and Why Skin Ages
• Know Your Own Skin Type
• Treating Oily Skin
• Treating Dry Skin
• Double Whammy - Combination Skin
• How to Protect Your Skin
• The Sun and Your Skin
• Skin Creams and Wrinkles
• Good Nutrition and Your Complexion
• How Free Radicals Damage Skin Cells
• Vitamin C and Skin Care
• Is Dermabrasion Right for Your Skin
• Chemical Skin Peels
• Skin Care from the Inside Out
• Facelifts and Other Skin Procedures
• Resources

I am giving this ebook to the first 100 people to order from Nairaland for just N1000 and money back after two weeks of purchase without any reasonable effect....GUARANTEE.
Grab your copy of Total Skin Care today and put yourself on the path to a long and healthy Life.

Hurry to any Gtb:

ACCOUNT NAME: Adebo Usifo Goodness

ACCOUNT NUMBER: 4214355851590


But make sure you first of all call Goodness on 08053081804 to verify if the offer is still available