Tuesday, October 27, 2009

How to Choose the Gender of Your Baby

Monday, September 28, 2009
What Makes a Guy Fall in Love? How to Hook the Man of Your Dreams
Would you like to hook the man of your dreams and learn what makes a guy fall in love? Do you think that you've tried everything to capture his heart but all of your efforts have gone unnoticed? How can you really get him to love you? Women typically want a man in their life that they can shower with affection and love. Actually, men are not that different, either, when it comes to love. Sometimes, however, men and women have different ways of going about it. If you want to learn what makes a guy fall in love then keep reading to find out some secrets that you can't afford not to learn.

A lot of women think that what makes a guy fall in love is being with a girl that they have a strong physical attraction to. While it is true that the physical attraction part is good and even necessary it should be the thing that really turns a guy's heart on. Why? Because sex can be superficial. Lust can come and go in different stages but if you want real love, and something that will last, you will need something more solid.

It is the emotional bonding and connection that you really need for the relationship to go somewhere. A friendship is a very good way to start with this aspect of your relationship. With a friendship, you can support one another, be there for each other, and share common interests. These are things that can make you strong as a couple as well as get you through the good and bad times.

Admiration is also a good thing to have. If you can get a guy to admire a quality that you have then he is well on his way to falling in love with you. Admiration is just one step below love in many cases so let him see the real side of you so that he can get to know you and your personality.

It can be a good idea to try and delay having sex until you have formed the aforementioned emotional connection and friendship. The beginning of a relationship is always exciting and you might be tempted to go ahead and have sex with your new guy, but at least wait a little while. It will give you a chance to get to know him and his intentions and possibly keep your heart from being broken by someone who is less than admirable.

It is these things that makes a guy fall in love with a woman. Remember them when you are with your new guy and hopefully you will be able to take your relationship to the next level.
Posted by Goodness at 8:15 AM 0 comments
Friday, September 18, 2009
How to Choose the Gender of Your Baby
You want to be able to choose the gender of your baby. You want to have a say on how your baby develops and what gender they will be. You have this vision in your mind of the child that you are going to give birth to and you want to make this dream come true. If you want to pick the gender of your baby, then you need to learn more about how to make that happen for you.

There are lots of ways to select the gender of your baby and most of them involve scientific procedures. Most commonly, couples will pay a lot of money for these hormone injections. However, these are not safe. There are risks involved that could do some serious damage to your little child. You know that you would never be able to live with yourself if something happened to your baby. Picking the gender of your baby is still something that interests you, but not using these approaches.

There are lots of things that can be done to choose the gender of your baby but i will just discuss 3 steps or methods to gender selection.

The first step is to time your PH levels. There are short time periods when a woman is more likely to conceive a boy or a girl.Knowing how to pick the gender of your baby has a lot to do with timing. Male and female sperm differ in many ways including their speed and sustainability. If you want to conceive a boy it's best to try and time lovemaking at the moment of ovulation. Obviously, it's virtually impossible to determine the exact moment when ovulation occurs, but with the right methods a woman can narrow down the time frame to within a day. When you expect you are just about to ovulate, you should make love to increase your chances of conceiving a son.

When it comes to having a girl, the opposite holds true. Couples who are hoping for a daughter should make love a couple of days before ovulation is expected to occur. The reason this is helpful is that female sperm do last longer than male sperm and therefore will be waiting the arrival of the unfertilized egg.

If you're unsure about when you'll be ovulating, a basal thermometer is the only tool you really need. It's a necessity when you want to pick the gender of your baby. The woman simply takes her temperature before she gets out of bed each morning. Once it starts to change, ovulation is imminent. Most thermometers like this come with a graph that the woman can use to chart her daily temperature. Using the graph is very helpful and gives you a clear picture of when you should try conceiving.

The second method is to make small adjustments to your diet. Unbelievable, but the truth is that some foods will favor one sex or the other.

Thankfully, you can choose the gender of your baby in a very safe and all-natural way. To make this happen, it really depends on the mother's diet. If you want to have a baby boy, then you need to eat a diet rich in alkaline foods. Including a lot of pumpkin and tofu in your diet will make this happen. The opposite is said for a baby girl. Eating lots of acidic foods will create the optimal environment for that little girl to grow in. You can get the gender that you want without harming anyone's health.

And thirdly choosing different specific intercourse positions and time of the day will effect what gender your baby will be because warm sperm and cold sperm does not move at thesame speed.

This method works for parents regardless of your age, race or any medications you may be taking. It works the same regardless of your children's gender that you already have. It is an all natural safe and effective way to pick the gender of your baby.

There are other specific methods that do work when it comes to choosing the gender of your baby. For more suggestions, including a method that is 100% guaranteed to help you conceive either a baby girl or a baby boy, visit this informative site.

Don't let nature decide the gender of your baby. If you have your heart set on a boy or girl, find out what you can do to ensure you get the son or daughter you desperately want. There are proven ways to pick your baby's gender that are guaranteed to work. CLICK HERE

Need more help then call Goodness 07032973204

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